Aug 31, 2020
On this episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by IAHSS Executive Director Virginia Petracosta. We will learn about Virginia's experience with associations including one with 3 million members and how she is adapting to her role with IAHSS.
Check out our giveaways in advance of the 50th episode of...
Aug 25, 2020
How do you manage to provide training to all of your staff in a 24 hour 7 day a week work environment? Dayton Children's Hospital Chief Security Officer, Mark Moore, shares his strategies with The Healthcare Security Cast Community that have helped achieve this at his facility. Mark also shares his career path, his...
Aug 21, 2020
On this edition of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by host of the Blazing Your Own Trail Podcast, Jordan Mendoza. Jordan shares how he has overcome adversity as well as how he helps others through personal development, leadership training and really helping others to blaze their own trail. Jordan's podcast...
Aug 18, 2020
On this episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by COO of DSI and author of Security Litigation, Eddie Sorrells. After this conversation you will be equipped with tools to help you protect your department through effective planning. Our discussion focuses on Eddie's career progression from a frontline...
Aug 11, 2020