Mar 28, 2020
On this episode we sit down with TED Speaker and among other things LinkedIn Expert and Advisor Dr. Mary-Rose Hoja. Mary-Rose tells us how to make the most of our LinkedIn presence. The show is packed with practical and actionable tips to develop an effective LinkedIn profile. Enjoy the show.
Mar 18, 2020
On this episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by DIana YK Chan. Diana is a Career Coach and Speaker who empowers ambitious professionals to own their greatness and stand out as top talent and leaders. Diana shares her insights about Personal Branding and Personal Development as well as...
Mar 11, 2020
On this episode of The Healthcare Security Cast we are joined by Bill Losefsky to discuss the topic of Drug Diversion. We will discuss the impact of Drug Diversion incidents, the profile of a diverter and forming a task force among other things.
IAHSS Community Calendar:
Mar 4, 2020
On the 10th Episode of HSC our guest is Eric Clay, CSO at CoxHealth. We will be discussing arming your security team.
IAHSS Community Calendar:
IAHSS Ontario Chapter Education Seminar:
IAHSS Annual COnference and...